9-day Advanced Deepening Retreat
- 日期
- 2025年4月11日 星期五 18:00
- 地點
- Lundsholm, Värmland, Sweden
An alternative for Acem meditators who want to practise round-the-clock meditations and have taken part in at least two 3-week advanced deepening retreats.
This shorter advanced deepening retreat is for Acem meditators who already have participated in at least two 3-week advanced deepening retreats, but do not currently have the opportunity to go to a 3-week or 16-day retreat. The 9-day retreat includes two round-the-clock meditations, compared to four at 16-day retreats and five at 3-week retreats. While the 3-week and 16-day retreats include a two-day round-the-clock meditation, the 9-day retreat only has one-day round-the-clock meditations.
Guidance groups in English and Scandinavian.